J 15930 D - Bausch + Ströbel Type AFV 2005 Fully Automatic Filling and Closing Machine for Ampoules

No longer available

J 15930 D - Bausch + Ströbel Type AFV 2005 Fully Automatic Filling and Closing Machine for Ampoules


This machine is used for opening, filling and closing ampoules.


Machine was electronically overhauled and equipped with new control system by GMPI in 2014.


 Object diameter: max 26 mm

Object height: max 150 mm

Dosing range: 0,5 - 30,00ml

Max. Output: 6000 ampoules / hour

Format parts available for processing 2 and 5 ml

Dosing range: 0.7 - 5.5 ml

Filling accuracy: +/- 0.2 - 0.3


ManufacturerBausch + Ströbel, Germany